Wasting Time | Music Video
Artis: Felix Riebl Director: Thomas Henning DoP: Giovanni C. Lorusso Production Designer: Simon Page Jones Film Grabs #2016 #musicvideo...

Toumba - Art Project
Director: Michelle Mantsio photos © 2015 Thomas Formosa-Doyle #art #experimental #Melbourne #2016

Plain Pleasures / short form
Film Grabs Emily longs for an expensive, exquisite silk dress. It’s silly to spend so much money on things, but what is life without...

Plane Pleasure / short form
Director: Alena Lodkina shooting schedule: January 2015 Leica M9 #drama #short #Melbourne #2015

Port Melbourne / experimental project
Director: Michelle Mantsio shooting schedule: December 2014 BMPC 4K RAW - 100mm ZF f:2.0 Makro #experimental #art #Melbourne

Progress 2: Art Studies 2 / experimental
Director: Michelle Mantsio shooting schedule: November 2014 BMPC 4K RAW #experimental #art #Melbourne

Progress 1: Art Studies 2 / experimental
Director: Michelle Mantsio shooting schedule: November 2014 BMPC 4K RAW - 35mm ZF.2 f:2.0 #experimental #art #Melbourne

Progress 1: 'Looking to Buy' / short form
Director: Isaac Wall shooting schedule: December 2014 g: Leica x1 - 35mm Elmarit f:2.8 #short #Melbourne #drama

Luce Vacua / Sequence 2 / short form
Luce Vacua Screen Shots S.2 Photography by: Hugh Turral #experimental #Melbourne #short
賛歌 | Paean / short
Color | 15’ | 4K | Australia 2014 a film by Giovanni C. Lorusso Paean definitions: - A paean /ˈpiːən/ is a song or lyric poem expressing...